Learning shows sex bias in mice with mutation tied to autism
Monday, December 4, 2017
Male mice with a genetic variant tied to autism have learning difficulties that females with the variant do not, a new study suggests1.The mice are missing a stretch of DNA on chromosome 16 called 16p11.2. About 30 percent of people with the deletion have autism.The male mice also show sex-specific changes in the activity of a molecular pathway thought to be involved in autism and related...
Changing Brain Networks Post Surgery
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
For patients who have undergone brain surgery, little is known about how their cognitive functions change and recover over time.As a doctoral student at the University of Iowa, Matt Sutterer uncovered answers about the brain’s plasticity and reorganization. His research demonstrated that brain network changes occur in the early weeks after surgery, and continue months after the procedure.“For...
Dr. John Wemmie featured in Scientific American article
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
UI's very own Dr. John Wemmie was featured in a recent article published by the Scientific American regarding psychiatric disorders and their relationship to increased levels of acidity found in the brains of people with psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. This area of investigation could have novel implications for therapies for psychiatric disorders. Read the full...
Wonder Women lead UI Psychiatry
Monday, August 21, 2017
Three women, each with diverse clinical and research specialties, are now at the helm of the Department of Psychiatry. The dynamic trio joins a strong leadership team that already includes another female leader, bringing the total to four women leaders with common goals of boosting mental health care and training, while keeping the department at the cutting-edge of research. Top Row: Jodi Tate...
UI Adds New Neuroscience Major
Monday, July 17, 2017
UI faculty members discuss the new undergraduate neuroscience major approved by the state Board of Regents on June 28.The University of Iowa is elevating its strength in the health sciences to bring together numerous disciplines and create an undergraduate neuroscience major.The state Board of Regents approved the major in a June 28 telephonic meeting.Months prior to the regents’ approval of the...

Arianna Rigon successfully defends thesis!
Monday, July 17, 2017
Neuroscience student Arianna Rigon successfully defended her thesis on July 13th. Arianna (center) is co-mentored by Michelle Voss, PhD (left), and Melissa Duff, PhD (right). Congratulations!
UI researchers find brain region that affects drug use habits
Monday, July 10, 2017
The human brain is nimble. It can reorganize itself to learn new things, catalog memories, and even break old habits. So, what if our brains could be taught to suppress cravings, especially the destructive impulse to use drugs?University of Iowa researchers studying the infralimbic cortex—a region of the brain that controls addictive behavior—performed a series of experiments in which rats were...
Benson Named Clinical Chief of Cardiology
Monday, July 3, 2017
Dr. Christopher Benson has been named the Clinical Chief of Cardiology for the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine. Dr. Benson is a Professor of Internal Medicine and of Pharmacology and Chief of Cardiology at the VA Medical Center. He received his MD from the University of Minnesota School of Medicine where he also did his residency. He then completed a four-year cardiovascular fellowship at...
Metabolic enzyme drives memory formation
Monday, June 26, 2017
Loss of metabolic enzyme in mouse brains impairs long-term spatial memoryACSS2 enzyme, which is required for long-term spatial memory, relocates to the cell nucleus where gene expression occurs. Image shows mouse neurons from the hippocampus. Neuron nuclei are stained blue and ACSS2 enzyme is red, so overlap is pink-purple. The axons are green. Image credit: University of PennsylvaniaWhen certain...
University of Iowa researchers adjust to damage at Bowen Science Building
Monday, June 26, 2017
Sunday’s fire in Bowen Science Building has left Paul Heidger wishing he had cleared out a lot more stuff from his campus office during the five years since he became an emeritus professor.