Articles from November 2018
Jake Rysted defends Thesis!
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
The Neuroscience Graduate Program congratulates Jake Rysted in the Usachev lab (Pharmacology) on his successful thesis defense recently. Congratulations!In the picture: Mentor Yuriy Usachev, PhD (left) and Jake (Right)
Jada Bittle defends Thesis!
Friday, November 2, 2018
The Neuroscience Graduate Program congratulates Jada Bittle in the Stevens lab (Psychiatry) on her successful thesis defense yesterday! Her title: "The role of redox dysregulation in the effects of prenatal stress on embryonic and adult brain"In the picture: Jada (left) and Mentor Hanna Stevens, MD., PhD (right)
Thomas James defends Thesis!
Thursday, November 1, 2018
The Neuroscience Graduate Program congratulates Thomas James in the Frank (Anatomy and Cell Biology) lab on his successful thesis defense recently! His title: "Discrete IP3 signaling requirements underlie acute and chronic forms of homeostatic synaptic plasticity" In the Picture: Mentor C. Andrew Frank, PhD(left) and Thomas (right)