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The Neuroscience Program at the University of Iowa offers:
Broad research opportunities with particular strength in areas including:
- Neuropsychological and neuroanatomical correlates of complex human behavior
- Functional brain imaging
- Auditory neuroscience
- Neurophysiology of ion channels, synaptic function and plasticity
- Neurobiology of learning and memory
- Neurodegenerative diseases; epilepsy
- Neurobiology of stress
- Genetic and epigenetic basis of behavior
- Aging mind and brain
- Neural control of cardiovascular, metabolic, and respiratory functions
- Model systems: mouse, fly, worm, zebrafish
- Over 80 faculty members from four colleges
Flexible curriculum
- The curriculum for the Neuroscience Program is designed around a two-track system. Specifically, students can select and specialize in one of two offered tracks: molecular/cellular or cognitive/behavioral
- Average time to degree is five years after entering the program
Teaching experience
- Opportunities are available for students to organize and present lectures and seminars, and assist in laboratory instruction of undergraduate and health professions students
Full financial support
- All qualified applicants will receive tuition scholarships plus a yearly stipend
State-of-the-art facilities
- The University of Iowa provides modern laboratory, classroom, and seminar facilities
We place a lot of attention into helping you become an independent, successful scientist. We try to accomplish this by offering a large number of courses in our curriculum ranging from cellular and molecular biology into cognitive neuroscience, to help you obtain a very wide background. Our faculty is always very close to our students to help them with most any issue they have. Furthermore, to help you advertise your research as well as make as many contacts as possible with other scientists, we assist you with funds to attend a wide range of conferences. Our student body is always strongly organized, and we are always open to suggestions for improving our program so that you can get the most out of it. Our philosophy is that a program can be only as good as the students it prepares. Therefore, we will give you all possible options so that your journey with us can make the best out of you.
In the video below, Program Director, Daniel Tranel, PhD, discusses what makes the University of Iowa Neuroscience Graduate Program unique.