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Elective Courses
In order to provide training both in an area of specialization and in related areas of neuroscience, students are required to take at least three semester hours of Elective Courses. A representative list of approved electives is provided below. New courses may be added, courses may be discontinued, changed, renamed, etc., each year, and thus, this list is approximate and the actual courses offered in any given semester will need to be determined from the listings in MyUI. Selection of Elective Courses should be done in consultation with the student's Advisor/Mentor and the Program Directors.
Many students with an interest in cellular/molecular/developmental neuroscience take BMED:5207 Principles of Molecular & Cellular Biology. Many students with an interest in systems/behavioral/cognitive neuroscience take NSCI:5212 Foundations in Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience (please note, NSCI:5212 is currently only offered every other spring semester in the even years). These courses are designated with an * in the list below. The elective requirement is normally satisfied prior to taking the Comprehensive Examination.
- BIOL:2254 Endocrinology
- BIOL:3212 Bioinformatics for Beginners
- BIOL:5199 Critical Readings in Biology
- BIOL:6188 Seminar: Writing in the Natural Sciences
- BMED:5207 Principles of Molecular & Cellular Biology
- CSD:2110 Phonetics: Theory & Applications
- CSD:2111 Basic Acoustics for Speech & Hearing
- CSD:6230 Psychoacoustics
- CSD:5234 Acquired Cognitive-Communication Disorders
- GENE:6200 Current Topics in Genetics
- HHP:6300 Motor Control Seminar
- IMMU:6241 Writing a Scientific Proposal
- MATH:5750 Mathematical Biology I
- MMED:6220 Mechanism of Cellular Organization
- MMED:6226 Cell Cycle Control (1 s.h., module 2)
- MMED:6227 Cell Fate Decisions (1 s.h., module 3)
- NSCI:5212 Foundations in Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience (offered even numbered years in spring)
- NSCI:5365 Seminar: Neuropsychology and Neuroscience (“Morning Meeting”) (same as PSY:5365; NEUR:5365)
- PCOL:5135 Principles of Pharmacology
- PCOL:5137 Neurotransmitters (1 s.h., module 3)
- PCOL:6207 Ion Channel Pharmacology (1 s.h., module 2)
- PCOL:6225 Growth Factor Receptor Signaling (1 s.h., module 1)
- PSY:1001 Elementary Psychology
- PSY:3320 Psychopathology
- PSY:5610 Proseminar in Cognition and Perception
- PSY:7210 Advanced Topics in Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience: Neuroscience of Learning & Memory
- RHET:7940 Public Speaking for Academics
- STAT:6300 Probability and Stochastic Processes I
All students register for NSCI:6265 Neuroscience Seminar and NSCI:7305 Neuroscience Research each semester until they reach the minimum number of semester hours needed to graduate (72 s.h.). Once 72 s.h. is reached, students must register for NSCI:6265 Neuroscience Seminar each semester until they graduate.