Alexander Bassuk, MD, PhD
Dr. Alex Bassuk is a Professor and Chair of Pediatrics, and holds the Joel and Jay Stead Chair for Leadership in Children's Medicine, and is Physician-in-Chief for University of Iowa Stead Family Children's Hospital. Dr. Bassuk is a member of the University of Iowa Graduate Programs in Genetics, Neuroscience, and Molecular Medicine, the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP), and the Iowa Neuroscience Institute. Dr. Bassuk also serves as the Recruiter for the University of Iowa Child Health Research Career Development Award. Dr. Bassuk's laboratory is focused on understanding human disease and developing new therapies and cures. Dr. Bassuk's laboratory has ongoing projects pursuing epilepsy drug discovery, traumatic brain injury treatments, eye inflammation (uveitis) genetics and therapy, and the role of inflammation in human disease.
- Cellular and molecular neuroscience
- Neuroanatomy
- Ion channels
- Receptors
- Gene regulation
- Brain trauma
- Epilepsy/Seizures
- Autism and intellectual disabilities