UI psychiatrist with expertise in Huntington's disease to address support group
A University of Iowa psychiatrist with expertise in Huntington's disease will be talking with the UI Huntington's Disease Society of America (HDSA) Center of Excellence support group this month.
Peg Nopoulos, M.D., professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at the UI Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, will discuss the effects of the Huntington's disease (HD) gene on brain structure during the support group's monthly meeting. The meeting is set for 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 25, in the Della Ruppert Conference Room, located on the sixth floor near elevator H of UI Hospitals and Clinics. The meeting is open to those at risk for HD, those who have HD, and their families and friends.
Nopoulos, an expert in structural brain imaging using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), has published several articles in medical journals about the change in brain structure that occurs in individuals with HD.
For more information, contact UI HDSA Center of Excellence Coordinator Anne Leserman at anne-leserman@uiowa.edu or 319-353-4307.